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SBU's College of 健康 Professions offers the 护士教师贷款计划 (NFLP) as a financial aid option for students enrolled in the 护理学硕士 (MSN) 学位课程.

NFLP is funded by the 健康 资源 和 Service Administration (HRSA) Bureau of 健康 Professionals (BHPs) in an effort to increase the number of qualified nursing 教师. 全日制或非全日制护理专业的学生均可获得资助 MSN护士教育计划. 年度续订和奖励视情况而定 资助和保持良好的学术地位.



The purpose of the NFLP program is to increase the number of qualified nursing 教师 by providing funding to accredited schools of nursing to offer loans to students in advanced education nursing 学位课程s who are committed to become nurse 教师. Schools (herein referenced as institutions) are required to comply with 和 adhere 遵守NFLP奖的条款和条件. 机构需要管理 the loan fund 和 produce nurse 教师, consistent with the legislative authority, 及其他适用要求.

Recipients of the NFLP can receive financial awards for the academic 一年 to offset 学费、书本费和杂费的一部分.

Awards may be renewable for a maximum of five 一年s, but this is contingent upon ongoing 项目资金,因此可能会发生变化.

Students admitted to the SBU College of 健康 Professions who are registered full-time 或在MSN护理教育轨道兼职有资格申请. 他们也必须 符合以下条件:

  1. 做一个U.S. 美国公民.S. 美国国民或合法永久居民.S. 和 它的领土
  2. Be enrolled full-time or part-time in an eligible program at the time the NFLP is 建立, 必须完成教育部分(s)准备合格的护士教师之前 到毕业
  3. 在学校的高级护士教育课程中有良好的学术地位
  4. Have no judgment liens entered against them based on the default of a federal debt 28 U.S.C. 3201(e)

Borrowers should maintain full-time or part-time enrollment 状态 for a minimum of 在获得NFLP期间,在一学年中学习两个学期.


  • GPA保持在3分.0或更高
  • 维护 至少兼职 (3 - 6学分/学期) 学生的地位
  • 在一学年中至少连续两个学期保持注册
  • 在初始资助的五年内完成MSN项目
  • 签署本票和权利与责任声明
  • 完成MSN护理教育课程的所有课程要求
  • Follow 应用程序 procedures for each 一年 continued funding is desired (as required by HHS); continued NFLP availability is contingent upon continued program funding

The graduate must obtain full-time employment 状态 within one 一年 after graduation 属于下列类别之一:

  • 被认可的护理学校的全职教员
  • Part-time 教师 (adjunct) member at an accredited school of nursing in combination with another part-time (adjunct) 教师 position or part-time clinical educator/preceptor position at an accredited health facility affiliated with an accredited school of 护士,这些加起来就相当于全职工作


  • 1 Full-time Faculty position (tenure or non-tenure track) = 1 Full-time employment 状态
  • 1 Part-time 教师 position (adjunct 教师/clinical instructor/part-time 教师) + 1兼职教师职位= 1全职工作状态
  • 1 Part-time 教师 position + 1 Clinical educator position (clinical educator, clinical 教师= 1全职工作状态

The NFLP is a loan program, which authorizes the lending institution to cancel up to 85% 贷款借款人的免入息助学贷款(加上利息). 机构 may cancel loans for NFLP borrowers who serve as full-time nurse 教师 for up to a consecutive four-一年 period at an accredited school of nursing following graduation. 护理学院(借阅机构)应取消下列非保底项目 借款人:

  • 20% of the principal 和 the interest on the amount of the unpaid loan balance upon completion of each of the first, second, 和 第三年 of full-time 教师 employment; 和
  • 25% of the principal 和 the interest on the amount of the unpaid loan balance upon 完成全职教师工作的第四年.

示例1: If the borrower is employed as full-time nurse 教师 for 4 consecutive 一年s following graduation from the program, the principal 和 interest on the unpaid balance of the loan will be cancelled at the end of each 一年; 20 percent for the first, second 和 第三年,第四年25%. 贷款机构必须成立 a repayment schedule for the borrower to begin repayment of the remaining 15% of unpaid 本金加应计利息(年利率3%).

示例2: If a borrower is employed full-time as nurse 教师 for 2 consecutive 一年s following graduation 和 ceases employment in the 第三年, 20 percent of the unpaid principal 在第一年和第二年结束时,利息将被取消. 然而, the borrower may NOT request cancellation of unpaid principal 和 interest in the 第三年. 贷款机构必须与借款人建立还款时间表 must begin repayment of the remaining unpaid principal 和 interest according to the 机构征收政策,按现行市场汇率执行.

  1. 填写 应用程序 并审查申请公开文件
  2. 提交你的 FAFSA (需要不是一个标准,而是联邦政府批准这项贷款程序的一部分 程序)


SBU的MSN计划已经获得了最高金额的奖金. 奖项将 覆盖尽可能多的学生,直到资金耗尽.

In addition to NFLP support, you may still receive support from other federal programs, provided that the funds are not used to cover the same costs during the same academic 一年. 你可能已经得到了其他联邦政府的支持,但不包括所有的费用 (tuition, feeds 和 other expenses) for the academic period; in this case, you may 获得NFLP支持以支付剩余费用,不包括津贴支持. 应用 for Title IV federal grants, loans, 和 work study, submit the Free Application for 联邦学生援助(FAFSA) 在线 或致电1-800-4 fed - 援助,或访问SBU财政援助办公室.


"Full-time" has the meaning used by the employing accredited school of nursing for 她的老师.
It is the responsibility of each borrower to document his/her employment upon graduation 每年申请取消贷款. 就业证明表格已收妥 on the website of the University's billing service, eUAS, which is made available 当你完成离职面谈程序时.

The NFLP will accrue interest on the unpaid balance of the loan at a) the rate of three percent per annum beginning three months after the borrower graduates from the program, or b) the prevailing market rate if the borrower fails to complete the advanced nursing education program or when the borrower fails to establish employment as a 经过认证的护理学校的全职护士教师.

Borrowers employed as 经过认证的护理学校的全职护士教师 for a consecutive four 一年 period will accrue interest at the rate of three percent for 四年的还款期和剩下的六年的“还款期”.“如果…… borrower ceases full-time employment as nurse 教师 at an accredited school of nursing, 国家公积金计划将按现行市场利率计息.

You must be a current MSN student enrolled 和 registered in the Nurse Educator program. 如果您是在校生,请在线完成NFLP申请.

